Sunday, October 24, 2010

Colors of the Rainbow

Well, did I mention how busy I have felt lately? Thus 1 month has transpired in the blink of an eye! Week 3 of Preschool was spent learning and experimenting with color. We learned many ways to mix colors and get different results. Our favorite books this week were: Little Blue and Little Yellow (followed by mixing yellow and blue jello globs in a baggie- a very neat experience)! and Harold and the Purple Crayon. Our imaginations were running wild! The color pyramid we made this week with our handprints was such a concrete demonstration for the kids on color. I LOVED it!

rainbow jello- I made all the colors the night before and the kids added them in order by the scoopful the next day


Rainbow cheerio necklaces

Little Blue and Little Yellow in a baggie

1 comment:

  1. Jamie, you blow my mind with your creativity and ambition! Those kids are so stinkin' lucky to have you for a teacher! Nobody could top you!
