Sunday, March 7, 2010

Not exactly Redneck, but what??

Ok, so you can find more about our trip to California here, but I just had to post this photo... As we were driving down the freeway in LA, I happened to look in my rear view mirror to find this bad boy. "Quick Ben! Grab the camera!" Yep, that's right, I made my hub dive over the seat to get the perfect shot of this pseudo-mercedes-camper... What a combination. I would call it redneck, but I'm not sure a Mercedes is redneck. But then what?? Ah, to be the one with this clever idea.
"Honey, I'm sick of having a sedan with no leg room. I can't quite get comfortable on my long commute home. I know! I'll take off the top and add a camper. Genius! Now we can camp in the wild jungles of LA!"
"Brilliant!" as Ike would say.
The sad thing is, this may be a sign of the times and the economic crisis of California. Oh the depths to which we are sinking...

1 comment:

  1. Hmmm... interesting. And is that a bicycle strapped to the back? I would like to meet the people who own that "bad boy." :)
