Sunday, November 29, 2009


I know this is a little belated, but here I sit a few days past Thanksgiving with a sleepless night (thanks Zach) and so my little mind is filling fast... I do want to make a list of the things I have to be thankful for this year... Our little family has been blessed beyond measure this year (and every year), so I feel like I should acknowledge that. I know that absolutely none of these things just randomly happened. We have divine guidance, help and blessings from our Father in Heaven. I know that He is intimately involved in each of our lives, whether we recognize it or not, so I'd like to recognize it... With that, in no particular order...

I am thankful for that knowledge that I have a loving Father in Heaven who knows me, knows each of us, better than we know ourselves. He loves us beyond measure and has given me everything... my life, my family, my talents, my less than perfectness, and He loves me anyway!

I am thankful for Jesus Christ who personally suffered all the pain, sorrow, disappointment, hurt and sin that we will ever go through. He knows us too and has made it possible for me to overcome all these things and become better through him.

I am thankful for the 27 years of my life. In this time I have made so many stupid choices, peppered with a few good ones... I am grateful for the divine guidance to make those good ones! I am grateful that in those 27 years, I have had the opportunity to pray and study the scriptures to know for myself about the gospel. It really is the core of everything good in my life.

I am thankful for an amazing husband who adores me (and I him). We have had over 6 years of marriage now and are more in love with each dish washed and diaper changed;) Seriously. I don't know how I tricked him into thinking I was good enough for him, but here we are and I'm so grateful I can spend eternity with him!

I am thankful for two amazing little boys. Zach and Ike are just everything:) They can bring life and smiles to anything. They are two of the happiest little ones I have ever seen and I truly adore them. They amaze me everyday with the things they do. Isaac is so perceptive and caring. We are just enamored with him. Little Zachy has been 6 months of pure joy for our little family. He babbles now and laughs. He blows bubbles and gurgles. He rolls over and over and knows how to make a funny discomfort sound so Ike will quit bugging him. Thinking about the valiant little ones that are sent to this earth at this time for the special things that are going on now just amazes me. I know the gifts they must possess and think about the challenges they will face... I am just so grateful to get the opportunity to be their mother... or mudder, as Ike calls me:)

I am thankful for our families. They are so giving and so easily caring. Each of them have such special talents and gifts to share. I am so grateful to be a family and so look forward to being together again!

I am thankful for the opportunity to be in Phoenix. Who would've thought 5 years ago that Ben and I would be in Dental School in Phoenix! WHAT?!?! I KNOW this is where the Lord wants us and it's WHEN he wants us here too. Timing is everything and we are just so grateful to have the opportunity to be in school right now in a great program and to be thriving, even if some of our houseplants aren't:(

I am thankful for my ancestors. I don't know much about them, but what I do know is that they brought their families to America, a gutsy move, I'm sure. They were mostly farmers and religious. Thank you for passing that along the generations. I hope they are proud.

I am thankful for all of our friends. You are like family to us. We love you and really do cherish all the joy, insight and life you bring to us. Thank you:)

I am thankful for this Christmas season. It so doesn't feel like Christmas here! BUT, I love the spirit of the season... people are nicer. I am nicer. I love thinking of "the perfect gift" to give and love even more the extra service that goes on during the holidays. I won't disclose too much, but we really love secretly giving. Oh, how it warms my heart!

I am thankful for modern medicine and insurance. I know insurance is not perfect, and neither is medicine... but, I love that there is a cure or treatment for almost everything out there.

I am thankful for those who serve us. I have never been so aware of how blessed we are to live in a free country away from most every harm. Thank you to all the men and women who protect our freedom everyday. Really, thank you. We would have nothing without your noble sacrifice.

I am thankful for computers, internet, phone... all the ways we stay in touch. I love that even though we live far away, we are never "too far" for a phone call... or a blog update:)

I am thankful for modern travel.

I am thankful for dishwashers. Really thankful.

I am thankful for a house. Yep, this year we moved into a house. I never knew all the conveniences this would afford us, but there is definitely something to be said for a yard, a garage, and not having any attached neighbors:)

I am thankful for so much more, but you get the idea... I guess I should be journaling this too... I'll get to that (wink). Anyway, thanks for bearing with me:) So what are you most thankful for?

1 comment:

  1. I would have to ditto every thing that you have said here, except that we are not in dental school, in Phoenix, but I know you can fill in the blanks for the corresponding parts of our lives. Can't wait to see in in a couple weeks!
